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हम सभी में कुछ ना कुछ बुरी आदते हे! बहुत सारी हमारी आदते जो हमें जीवन में कुछ अच्छा व्यव्हार सीखते हे और कुछ नही! परन्तु हम उन सभी बुरी आदतों को अपने द्ढ़ निश्चय से बदल सकते हे! हमे हमारे जीवन से उन सभी आदतों को दूर करना चाहिए जिसने हमारे जीवन को घूमा के रख दिया हे! आप ...

In today’s world having good leadership skills can set you apart from your competition. But being a good leader is not only about developing and growing personally, it is also about enabling others around us to perform to the fullest of their abilities. Only when we are all working together and inspiring each other can we reach our common goals.  ...

We all have bad habits. Many of the habits that we develop in life are learned behaviors and can be unlearned. But we can all train and motivate ourselves to change them. If we do anything regularly for at least three weeks, it can easily become a habit. And the result of quitting bad habits is a motivation in itself ...

तिब्बत इस पृथ्वी में मौजूद सबसे सुंदर देश मे से एक । यह स्थान पर्यटकों के लिए एक लुभावना सा अनुभव देता है । तिब्बत, जिसे दुनिया की छत भी कहा जाता है, एशिया की कुछ बड़ी नदियों का जन्मस्थल और प्राचीन झीलों का देश है। परन्तु इस पोस्ट में हम आपसे तिब्बत के इतिहास और वर्तमान के बारे में ...

Do you feel stressed and anxious even when there are no clear stressors in your life? You are not alone. In earlier times, our body used the fight-or-flight response in times of danger, but today there is no immediate threat, so stress manifests as unrealized anxiety that needs to be managed. Stress also indicates that there is something in your ...

Jealousy is when you want that other owns and you think it belongs to you. It is an emotional response. It is normal but it can be problematic if it glides in all aspects of your life and starts exhausting you. It leads to anger, sadness, and fear. Dealing with jealousy is just like changing your emotions or behaviors. Most ...

Most of us experience weak memory as due to many reasons. Aging is one of them but it is happening to many of us and there are many factors related to it like it can hinder the functioning of brain such as stress, lack of sleep, exposure to toxins, unhealthy food, lifestyle or medical problems. When it happens, we all ...

Whether one has money or not, it does not matter – Age and death are inevitable. Irrespective of one’s financial status, class, religion, gender and life stage, the bitter-sweet phase of growing old will seep through all of us. Each one of us responds to this feeling differently.  Some people know how to get the best out of their ‘senior ...

अवसाद यानी डिप्रेशन जो कि एक मानसिक रोग से सबंध रखता है । इससे काफी वर्ग ग्रस्त हैं चाहे वह एक स्कूल जाता हुआ विद्यार्थी हो या एक अधेड़ उम्र का व्यक्ति हो । सबके अपने अलग अलग भय होते हैं जिसका सही समय पर निवारण न किया जाए तो वह भय मन पर हावी होने लगता है जिसमें व्यक्ति ...

Do not bind yourself with someone who doesn’t care about you, get out of the toxic relationship you are in now! Introduction:- If you are unhappy, fight all the time, complain about each other, and it’s impossible to digest what your partners say then you are in a toxic relationship. Though it’s difficult to conclude whether you are in a ...