As human beings we all have creative energies inside of us, waiting for us to rediscover our own inner powers by overcoming our limiting beliefs that we were programmed with. We have the ability to express our thoughts, feelings, and views on the world that we live in. Creativity is what has led humans to invent life-changing technology, thought-provoking art ...
Parents need to be mindful of how they are going to raise a child and must be discussed on who is going to do what otherwise your relationship with each other will become a war zone of ego. Parents must make sure that they do not make their children co-dependent on them in any way. So, to make them independent ...
Kindness is something that when we receive, we automatically want to share. This ripple effect can help us spread the joys of kindness through our homes, communities, and country leaving us all feeling a little more united and cared for. We have been told to be kind ever since we were children, but it is not something we have been ...
During this difficult time, we are all inevitably turning inward to find the strength and courage to deal with the stress and chaos of the time. Now that the racing clock has paused, we can use these moments to build better relationships with ourselves. These steps will help you build your inner strengths and create a stronger connection with yourself. ...
With developments in technology and travel, we are more connected than ever before! When information and opinions reach us while we sit secluded in our homes, it has become evident that the internet has made us more available to the thoughts and views of other people. This constant exposure to what the world thinks of us can slowly start to ...
Sometimes we all struggle with not being able to change or control things that have happened in the past. Because we have no control over what has already happened we may find ourselves reliving these situations or decisions over and over in our heads. When we do this we distance ourselves from the present moment and take away from the ...
Self-confidence is linked to well being, mental health and positive attitude towards yourself. Self-confidence is a genuine process that involves how you think about yourself. It is the courage to understand yourself, believe in yourself and act on your own beliefs. Do you see and feel that everyone around you is confident and very sure of themselves? Then that is ...
Incense is usually referred to as a divine and sacred product. Incense is burned to produce fragrance. It is believed that the aromatic and intense scent of the incense is appreciated by gods. Anciently the incense was to purify the houses, keep the evil spirits away and during the religious events. Later it is recognized that incense is also beneficial ...
Empathy is a truly beautiful experience of the human condition. While we all might have a cognitive understanding of other people it is important to develop an empathetic understanding as well. This means, when someone is struggling with personal difficulties or having a difficult time mentally and emotionally we can all imagine what that feels like because we too have ...
आजकल के व्यस्त कार्यक्रम और व्यस्त जीवन के कारण तनाव एक बहुत ही सामान्य और बड़ा मुद्दा है! तनाव के मुद्दों से पीड़ित कई लोगों के पास नियमित व्यायाम, उचित विश्राम तकनीक, पर्याप्त नींद और मानसिक स्वास्थ्य के लिए किसी पेशेवर से परामर्श करने तक का समय नहीं होता है! डे-स्ट्रेसिंग टी (तनावमुक्त चाय) इन सारी समस्यों में आपकी मदद ...
Kalden Doma
An internationally renowned thought leader in rediscovering & mind training life skills. Kalden Doma has been delivering inspirational lectures across the globe for over 17 years. A driven entrepreneur, started a mind training academy in 2001. She coaches students, entrepreneurs, & executives.