Kalden Doma, Author at Mind Life Skills - Page 23 of 25
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10 pre-programming you are taught in subtle ways 10 pre-programming done to girls when they are growing up. This is done to all the girls around the world. You are weaker than boy physically and mentally. If you look at the ways, we are pre-programmed we thank the society, religion and culture believe the system we have around the world. ...

प्यार एक एहसास है । एक ऐसा एहसास जिसे हर कोई महसूस करना चाहता है । कहा जाता है हर शख्स की जिंदगी प्यार पे ही चलती है । प्यार मनुष्य की जिंदगी ही नहीं बल्कि प्यार मनुष्य की जरूरत है जिसके बिना वह अपने आप को अधूरा पाता है । इस प्यार की जरूरत बच्चे के पैदा होने से ...

The stressful and unhealthy lifestyles that we all follow today often takes a toll on our physical and mental well-being. If you find yourself feeling low or worn-out quite frequently, maybe it is time to stop and re-evaluate your lifestyle choices. Think about it – our mental health and physical well-being are interconnected. A healthy body is only achievable when ...

अवसाद यानी डिप्रेशन जो कि एक मानसिक रोग से सबंध रखता है । इससे काफी वर्ग ग्रस्त हैं चाहे वह एक स्कूल जाता हुआ विद्यार्थी हो या एक अधेड़ उम्र का व्यक्ति हो । सबके अपने अलग अलग भय होते हैं जिसका सही समय पर निवारण न किया जाए तो वह भय मन पर हावी होने लगता है जिसमें व्यक्ति ...

A common misconception that we often hear is that leadership skills cannot be learned. On the contrary, most experts are of the view that no one is born a leader. With the right training, hard work, commitment and effective mentor-ship, anybody can become a successful leader! Leadership coaching can help people hone their managerial and executive skills and undertake a ...

Do not bind yourself with someone who doesn’t care about you, get out of the toxic relationship you are in now! Introduction:- If you are unhappy, fight all the time, complain about each other, and it’s impossible to digest what your partners say then you are in a toxic relationship. Though it’s difficult to conclude whether you are in a ...

इंसान और जानवर में यूँ तो ज्यादा भिन्न नहीं, परन्तु इंसान हर अलग अलग परिस्थिति के मुताबिक अपने भावना व्यक्त कर सकते हैं । उन्ही उपलब्ध भावनाओं में एक आता है गुस्सा यानी क्रोध । गुस्सा हमारे पास मौजूद सबसे ताकतवर शक्तिशाली भावना है, हालांकि बचपन मे हमें इसे इसे शांत करने की शिक्षा नहीं दी जाती । अगर बच्चों ...

There is nothing better than that feeling of finally hitting the bed after a tiring day! At the same time, few things are more frustrating than not being able to fall asleep when you really need it.  One would think that as society progresses, we would have figured out a perfect solution to restful sleep. Unfortunately, our busy and often ...

Travel is a life-changing experience. But could it be a planet-changing experience too? Eco-friendly travel is all about making small yet impactful ‘green’ changes to minimize your ecological footprint. All you really need to do is be as ‘environmentally conscious’ as you can.  We owe future generations a better world! It’s time to tweak your travel habits and work towards ...

An authentic leader is not necessarily the one who does great things. But definitely, the one who inspires people to do the same because they have made the connection with their Core(They have no doubts about who they are).  Let’s look at four behaviour patterns that an authentic leader is most likely to exhibit. An authentic leader is cognizant and ...