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Healing or energy healing is an ancient healing system that helps replenish the balance and flow of energy throughout your mind, soul and body. Healing works promptly with emotional, physical and spiritual facets of your well being. Energy healing is used to treat a variety of medical conditions such as mental health disorders and other illnesses caused by disturbed energy ...

Breathing is vital for life. No one can live without breathing. It is the key to most functions of the body and to sustain optimal mental and physical health. We frequently inhale and exhale without thinking about it and we feel it’s easy enough but is it? How to breathe? Learning to breathe is essential for us and it is ...

Delhi is the capital territory of India and also one of the most polluted cities in the world. The air quality in Delhi is terrible in any prominent city in the world. Delhi pollution is also influencing the districts touching its boundaries. Heavy smog has encircled Delhi since the Diwali festival. The air quality in Delhi has been serious as ...

Simple strategies to stay present and avoid distractions. Many of us are working from home and we see a huge jump in zoom meeting taking place. We all feel it is not easy to remain focused, engaged and be productive. We are feeling fatigue and distracted during our meetings. So what are the simple strategies that we can use while ...

Words of Wisdom that we as a human community need to apply in our everyday life. Talk less Act mindfully. Our planet is facing one of the biggest challenges to the health and wellbeing of its people due to coronavirus pandemic. During the explosion of the coronavirus pandemic Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama tried to stay in touch with his ...

All human beings have been pre-programmed with a set of beliefs, values, and rules. You did not choose this consciously. This was given to you. Values and Beliefs are something that we hold as a guiding force in our lives. Our values are usually based on our personal beliefs and these beliefs help us to navigate between “right” and “wrong” ...

Incense is usually referred to as a divine and sacred product. Incense is burned to produce fragrance. It is believed that the aromatic and intense scent of the incense is appreciated by gods. Anciently the incense was to purify the houses, keep the evil spirits away and during the religious events. Later it is recognized that incense is also beneficial ...

Empathy is a truly beautiful experience of the human condition. While we all might have a cognitive understanding of other people it is important to develop an empathetic understanding as well. This means, when someone is struggling with personal difficulties or having a difficult time mentally and emotionally we can all imagine what that feels like because we too have ...

परिचय  विश्वास एक रिश्ते में सबसे महत्वपूर्ण कारक हे जो की एक दिन में नही बनाया जा सकता हे, इसको बनाने के लिए आपको धेर्य रखना होगा और अपने रिश्ते को आवश्यक समय देना होगा! आप अपने साथी के अपेक्षाओ से हमेशा अवगत रहे ताकि आप उन पर आसानी के काम कर सके और आप देखेंगे की धीरे-धीरे आपके रिश्ते ...

Soft skills are personal attributes that help us interact effectively and harmoniously with other people. We constantly have to interact with others who may come from very different backgrounds and life experiences than us. Developing good interpersonal relationship skills will make these interactions easier and smoother. We focus so much of our time and energy developing the professional skills that ...