Setting Goals with the power of Mind Intention- Kaldan Doma
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Setting Goals with the power of Mind Intention


Setting Goals with the power of Mind Intention

There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who can easily set long-term goals for themselves, and those who live in the moment.

If you are the first kind, you are probably already successful. But if you’re the second kind, there’s a reason why the idea of goals scares you. The good news – a few simple steps can help you set and achieve goals and become an even better version of yourself. So, read on!

A simple method to set goals

In my program, ‘Mind Intention’, I ask people two very simple questions:

    • Where are you right now?
  • Where do you want to be?

Here, I am not asking you about your location. I am asking where you are (and want to be) in your life, ambitions and dreams. You’d be surprised at how difficult it can be to answer these questions truthfully.

Often, we lie to ourselves about our goals because of the pressure involved. After all, once you tell yourself, ‘I have to achieve X goal by 2020’, that can be scary because now you’ve committed to that goal. What we fail to understand, though, is the sheer power of our minds.

We often underestimate the strength of our minds. The ancient yogic method of visualization can and does work, if we let it. Here’s what you do:

Step one: Think deeply about your goal, clarify your intentions and write it down. For instance, maybe your goal is to start your own company by next year.

Step two: Make a mind-map for the actions you have to take. Focus on the small steps – doing market research, creating a business plan, etc.

Step three: Visualize yourself taking each of those steps, slowly inching closer to your goal. Just this process will help you transform ideas into action in the near future.

You need to write your goal and look at it every day like you brush our teeth or eat your food. You don’t forget it.

In my workshops on Mind Intention, I teach you how to harness the power of your mind for setting and reaching your goals. When you do this exercise, you need to be free of all distractions – no mobile phones, no multi-tasking, only a singular focus on your goals. You need to think about SMART goals – goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound. Once you have a clear direction, take three deep breaths and write them down in one flow.

Then, you read the goals to yourself and set clear timelines. By when do you want to achieve that goal as well as those small actions? Imagine yourself taking all those steps and getting closer to your goal. Visualize your life once you’ve reached that milestone and achieved that goal.

Once your mind has opened itself up to the possibility of goal achievement and visualized how things will be at that moment, you will be surprised to see how much easier it is to combat procrastination and start taking steps toward it. But remember, once you’ve done this exercise, you have to start taking action quickly. Don’t lose the momentum, and don’t waste time waiting around!

Setting and working toward goals on your own can be a challenge. To learn more about Mind Intention and take part in Kaldan’s workshops, write to us now for a chance to interact with one of India’s best life coaches!

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