When we see courageous people around us, we feel like they have no fear. That’s not true actually. Everybody has fears in their mind but it depends on you how you govern your fear. Fearless people have also fear as anyone else and it’s their fear that makes them courageous. Spirited people look fearless because they rectify their fear differently. ...
Having children is seen as a very natural step after marriage in our society. However, raising a family brings with it its own unique challenges and joys that both parents need to navigate together. Too often we hear only of the mother’s role in raising children. There is great pressure on being an ideal mother and lots of opinions on ...
We are all collectively experiencing the shifts that this pandemic has brought to our lives. Our everyday routines have had to change. Our interactions with others have decreased and the amount of time we have had to spend with ourselves has increased to the point where many of us are starting to feel lonely and bored. When the situation in ...
A lot of things can negatively impact our moods. For example, in current situation (covid19 pandemic) spending most of our time alone or indoor, working from home, financial conditions can impact some people’s mood. Sometimes when we think more about our office work, household chores, kids, relationships or other life issues, it may also affect our mood. Good mood is ...
Fear comes from attachment of desire, facing and letting go makes us courage’s. Each day when we you wake up you have a new day to live and create new things. But, wait that is not how you think when you wake up when you just have broken up with your partner. You are thinking about your work, friends and ...
As more and more importance has been given to education, it has also led to a dangerous trend of competition and pressure to perform. These effects are felt from an early age and stay with us through our lives. When we equate education only with marks, performance and success, the very thing that is supposed to help us can feel ...
Over the last few months and especially in recent weeks, mental health is a term that many people have become familiar with. For most of us, we did not hear this term in our youth and were not taught much about how to practice mental health. What is Mental Health? Just like we know what it is like to be ...
All human beings have been pre-programmed with a set of beliefs, values, and rules. You did not choose this consciously. This was given to you. Values and Beliefs are something that we hold as a guiding force in our lives. Our values are usually based on our personal beliefs and these beliefs help us to navigate between “right” and “wrong” ...
Every person must have a healthy level of control in order to direct our lives, chase his/her desires and ambitions. When this type of controlling tendency becomes extreme it can harm your relationships, career, and sense of well being. “Am I Controlling”? if this is the question roaming in your mind, it means that your controlling behavior is not a ...
Anxiety is a feeling of fear, uneasiness, or your body’s response to the stress. Normal anxiety is when you feel nervous or fearful in any situation such as the first day of school, giving a speech in front of the public or during job interviews, etc. this type if the anxious feeling is normal and it happens with most of ...
Kalden Doma
An internationally renowned thought leader in rediscovering & mind training life skills. Kalden Doma has been delivering inspirational lectures across the globe for over 17 years. A driven entrepreneur, started a mind training academy in 2001. She coaches students, entrepreneurs, & executives.