Kalden Doma, Author at Mind Life Skills - Page 25 of 25
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How to overcome depression Depression has become a commonly known household term these days. Despite this, there is a lot of stigmas attached to it, because it is generally believed that it is just a phase that will pass. Unfortunately, it doesn’t. Depression drains our energy, our passion, and sometimes even our will to live. Even simple activities like getting ...

Worrying is a natural part of human life. Everyone worries. Even though Bobby McFerrin reminds us not to worry in the toughest of circumstances, yet we worry because life is not a Bobby McFerrin song. ‘Don’t Worry, Be Happy’ is easier sung than practiced! If we care deeply about something or someone, we tend to worry a lot about them. But if ...

Yoga: a healthy life in the modern world 36 million people practice yoga in just the US alone, according to a 2016 study – an increase of almost 50{c3851e72db8c59172f314c71a8270c8062c295414d5e0a064080f2eb2c184194} in just 4 years. Over this past decade, the number of people learning yoga as well as the number of schools offering yoga training has gone up exponentially, especially in India. ...

Climate change – whose problem is it anyway? Schoolchildren across the world went on a ‘climate strike’, it was a collective protest against their parents’ generation who has failed to protect them and future generations? The leaders of the world have ignored the climate issue and prioritized the economic, social or even cultural issues. But now it is time for ...

Self-compassion is when you show the same love and care towards yourself that you show towards others and this can be done by using wisdom. Most of the time we cannot connect to this innate nature of ours because of our layers of emotions and external desires. Self-compassion is different from self-pity.  Now let us explore compassion Compassion means to ...

Mindfulness for daily life Most of the time, we spend our days with a mind full of countless thoughts instead of being mindful. Little do we realise that setting aside 5 minutes in your day can actually help unload all that baggage in our minds. You might be wondering how 5 minutes of mindfulness can change your life. Years of ...