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Introduction Trust is the most important factor in a relationship which is not built in a day, so you have to be patient and give your relationship the required time. Be aware of the expectations of your partner so that you can work on them and you will notice that gradually affection and the trust will grow in your relationship. ...

Thinking of boarding the start-up rollercoaster? Here are some of the most important things to remember at all times. 1.     Have a powerful Message, Vision and Mission. A “Value Proposition” through which you solve a specific customer problem that they would want to pay for. Marketing content must include the reasons for your company being in business and the challenges ...

Life Coach is there for enhancing your skills, let me tell you  With the help of his life coach, Daniel realized that his limiting beliefs were working against his efforts to bring about meaningful changes in his personal and professional life. Life coaching allowed him to change his perspective, improve his relationship with others, cut back on self-destructive habits and ...

Increasing Sales in Business When addressing the most critical challenges in business, revenue will unequivocally be among top priorities. But how often do we see the big picture? How often do we try to understand the amount of moving parts that are there in the success of a particular product or a business? Let us separate them and look at ...

How many times have you been forced to push your travel plans because of a lack of funds? The good news is, traveling doesn’t always have to be an expensive affair. A little planning and research are all you need for a fun and budget-friendly trip!  Once you have selected your destination, the next step is to make an all-inclusive ...

Let us Rediscover you What is coaching? Coaching guides you to unlock your potential and rediscover who you are to become. The aim of the coach is to motivate and improve your life.  The essence of coaching is Build a partnership between a coach and a client. Guide the person to rediscover and become a better version of themselves. Supports ...

An Introduction to Tibetan Healing Once a niche tradition, the ancient system of Tibetan healing has now become immensely popular all over the world.  Although it shares similarities with traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, its core lies in the teachings and practice of Buddhism. A key tenet of Buddhism is that life and evolution cause suffering and disease. Physical illness ...

An introduction to Ayurvedic Healing Literally translating to the ‘science of life’, the ancient practice of Ayurveda is perhaps the most holistic system of natural healing one could follow today. Based on the principle of balance, Ayurvedic healing is founded on the belief that  optimum health depends on the balanced integration of the mind, body and spirit. Over the last ...

An Introduction to Sound Healing Does sound healing really work? Well, have you ever noticed, how you sometimes begin tapping along your foot to a catchy song? Some of us even start humming along, maybe even dancing. That’s just a commonplace example of how music can affect us all. Many aspects of sound can actually improve our physical health and ...

What is Healing? Healing yourself: the first step to an improved life Just like a broken machine cannot fix itself, we cannot heal ourselves without doing something. Here, we are not talking about only physical healing, but repairing ourselves on a spiritual, mental and emotional level. Life has a way of making us break down, no matter how strong we ...