Kalden Doma, Author at Mind Life Skills - Page 20 of 24
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The world is a magnetic ocean of enchanting beauty and unimaginable vastness. Travelling to such magnificent places often leaves you in a trance, a spiritual state of mind where you feel every single muscle of your body yearning for more. Simply put, spiritual travel is when you travel into the wilderness of nature searching for the truth of life with ...

We all possess flaws because no one is perfect. Sometimes we find it really tough to condone ourselves as we become likely to see negatives in whatever we do. It requires compassion and understanding to forgive yourself.  Self forgiveness is essential for your mental health and overall well being. When you forgive yourself for your mistakes or whatever wrong you ...

व्यक्ति अपने जन्म के साथ अपने कर्म को लेकर भी पैदा होता है, जिसे सरल भाषा में वह अपना लक्ष्य कहता है । यह लक्ष्य या तो परिवार द्वारा सौंप दिया जाता है या स्वंय की रुचि मुताबिक वह अपने सपने को हकीक़त बनाने की ओर लगा रहता है । हर व्यक्ति के अपने भिन्न भिन्न सपने होते हैं जिसे ...

Do you feel stressed and anxious even when there are no clear stressors in your life? You are not alone. In earlier times, our body used the fight-or-flight response in times of danger, but today there is no immediate threat, so stress manifests as unrealized anxiety that needs to be managed. Stress also indicates that there is something in your ...

Yoga is an old yogic art. It is all about poses and breathing techniques. It revitalizes the body with limitless energy. It helps control the mind, body and soul of an individual. There are many types of yoga to pick from.  Consistent yoga practice can enhance your flexibility, balance, strength and mental health.  Here are 9 types of yoga.  Ashtanga ...

शर्मिला स्वभाव व्यक्ति का सबसे प्रमुख आभूषण है , जो समाज मे व्यक्ति को सभ्य तरीके से पेश करता है । परन्तु व्यक्ति में पाई जाने वाला यह शर्मिला स्वभाव उसे जिंदगी के दौर में कहीं पीछे धकेल दिया करता है । क्या आप भी शर्मिला स्वभाव रखते हैं? तो आगे ज़रूर पढ़िए गा, यहाँ कुछ सुझाव है जिसे आप ...

“Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand brake on.” — Maxwell Maltz When you see someone with brimming self-confidence, self-love and esteem; it’s probably because they’ve worked hard on building these traits. We humans, are not born with oozing self-confidence but the hardships of life are fairly good motivators. In the social media age, a negative comment, ...

Jealousy is when you want that other owns and you think it belongs to you. It is an emotional response. It is normal but it can be problematic if it glides in all aspects of your life and starts exhausting you. It leads to anger, sadness, and fear. Dealing with jealousy is just like changing your emotions or behaviors. Most ...

जिंदगी शब्द का विवरण दिया जाए तो यह कहा जाता है कि “जिंदगी एक खेल है”, एक ऐसा खेल जिसमें कोई नियम नहीं हैं, यहाँ सब खिलाड़ी हैं यानी कि प्रत्येक मनुष्य अपने समझ के मुताबिक खेलते हैं कुछ इसमें जीतते हैं तो कुछ भीड़ में कहीं गुम हो जाते हैं । यहाँ कोई हारता नहीं । परन्तु कई व्यक्ति ...

We have normalized stress like it is no big deal. Even though technology has brought us closer, it is often difficult to unplug from the bitter-sweet happenings of social media. Constantly being connected, disturbed work-life balance, social pressure, deteriorating health and environmental issues have induced more stress than ever.  Such is the gift of modern life that there is no ...