6 Ways to Raise Emotionally Intelligent Children | MindLifeSkills | Kaldan
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6 Ways to Raise Emotionally Intelligent Children

6 Ways to Raise Emotionally Intelligent Children

Raising emotionally intelligent children will be challenging if you as parents have not worked out your own issues. Emotionally intelligent children are wise and can handle even the biggest challenges of life.

Being parents comes with a great responsibility of raising your children right. Parenting is about instilling feelings of compassion, empathy, and righteousness to enable the kids with a good moral standing. While every set of parents gives in 100{c3851e72db8c59172f314c71a8270c8062c295414d5e0a064080f2eb2c184194} to raise their kid right, they almost always find themselves second-guessing their parenting strategy. 

While getting the right education and co-curricular activities for the child are at the prime of every parent’s agenda, it is the emotional well being that should be at the apex. Yes, emotionally intelligent children are bound to have better I.Q, be successful and experts at managing feelings. It may sound like emotionally intelligent children ‘have it all’ but we must consider how difficult it is to parent children who ‘know it all’

Being emotionally intelligent helps an individual handle every situation in life in the best possible way. So it is important that children are raised to be emotionally intelligent. However, if parents have not worked on their own issues it is difficult for them to raise emotionally intelligent kids.
Such parents don't need to be disappointed because Kaldan is giving them 6 ways to raise emotionally intelligent children. You can read it, apply it and see the results for yourself.

Here are six sure-short adult ways to raise your emotionally intelligent young-one. 

Be their role model

Not just for values, but also feelings. Don’t try to be super-parents just be your real parental-self. Remember they are young, new human beings who are as clueless about emotion handling as you are about rocket science. Teach them how to be real instead of ‘good’.

An emotional outburst is your window to connectivity

Emotion handler – Yes, 

Moral police – No.

Don’t punish them for outrageously expressing their feelings. Turn the tables around and vocalize what kind of behavior is unacceptable. Later on, quietly point out the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ out of their actions instead of controlling them.

Teach pause, observe and react cycle

Preach the ‘Five Seconds Golden Rule’. Train them to wait for about 5-seconds before reacting or talking back to anyone. Think and respond humbly without a shadow of arrogance.

Listen empathetically

Parent’s understanding must precede their advice for children. Don’t just begin policing them. Listen, process, observe and then talk to them about the ‘good’, ‘bad’ and ‘ugly’ of every scenario. Advise them but only when required.

Help them label their feelings

Teach emotion words to your child consistently because emotions need to be identified before they can be worked through. Tell them what they are feeling right now can be changed by sorting out feelings.

Tutor them with problem-solving tactics

You won’t always be there to tell them what to do. So encourage them to come up with ideas, guide them to a solution in line. Let them lead in problem-solving.

With your ongoing support, words of encouragement and listening ears; your child is highly unlikely to lose his emotional intelligence while growing up.

Kaldan has a workshop for parents on how to raise emotionally intelligent children and has separate workshops for children from the age of 6 years to 18 years. If you want to know about these workshops contact us info@kaldandoma.com or go to our event page in www.kaldandoma.com