How do people get Thyroid | Mind Life Skills | Kalden Doma
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How do people get Thyroid


Your body has many glands. Thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland located in the front of neck. The function of glands is to create and release substances to help your body perform a specific task. Similarly thyroid glands produce hormones which help control various important functions in your body. Thyroid hormone controls the metabolism process in the body.

When thyroid gland doesn’t work suitably, it can affect the whole body. If this gland produces too much thyroid hormone, the condition is called hyperthyroidism and if it produces thyroid hormone in lesser amounts, the condition is called hypothyroidism. These both conditions are serious and need proper treatment.

Thyroid problems can be caused by 

  • Iodine deficiency in the body
  • Unsuitable levels of TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)
  • Autoimmune diseases ( your immune system attacks your own body)
  • Inflammation in thyroid gland caused by a bacteria or virus
  • Formation of non cancerous tumor or nodules inside the thyroid gland
  • Presence of cancerous tumors on the thyroid gland
  • Genetic disorders
  • Certain medications, thyroid surgery or radiation therapy

Symptoms of thyroid

Hypothyroidism: Dry and coarse hair, forgetfulness, confusion, constipation, depression, droopy eyelids, dry or scaly skin, exhaustion, facial puffiness, hoarse speech, increased menstrual flow, grumpiness, muscle cramps, slow heart rate, weakness, weight gain and intolerance to cold temperature.

Hyperthyroidism: heightened heart rate, high blood pressure, raised body temperature, increased sweat, clamminess, uneasiness, vibrations in hands, restlessness, weight gain escorted by increased appetite, disturbed sleep, frequent bowel movement, bone loss, stopped menstrual cycles, sensitivity to light, increased tears and puffiness around the eyes.


Once the thyroid is diagnosed in a person, it needs proper treatment and essential precautions. If thyroid is not treated well the risk factors associated with thyroid disorders include eye problems, heart problems, osteoporosis, enlarged thyroid, nerve damage, infertility, birth defects, premature birth, miscarriage and mental issues.

Medical treatments for thyroid

Treatments for hyperthyroidism 

Anti thyroid drugs: these drugs stop your thyroid gland from producing hormones.

Radioactive iodine: this procedure destroys the cells of thyroid gland to prevent it from producing an unreasonable amount of thyroid hormone.

Beta blockers: these medications do not interfere with the production of hormones in your body but these can help relieve the symptoms.

Surgery: it’s a permanent treatment. This procedure involves the surgical removal of thyroid gland (thyroidectomy). It impedes the production of hormones. In this case you will require thyroid replacement hormones for longer periods.

Treatment for hypothyroidism 

Thyroid replacement medication: these medications add thyroid hormones back into the body. These can help you manage your thyroid and live a healthy life.

Alternative ways to manage your thyroid 

Healthy diet: add a wide range of fruits and vegetables to your diet which are rich in antioxidants. Limit saturated fats and have seafood. Eat a balanced and healthy diet.

Supplements: herbal supplements can help you manage your thyroid but don’t take these without consulting your doctor.

Acupuncture: acupuncture is good for your immune system. It can help improve your symptoms and help your body respond better to your regulars thyroid treatment.

Meditation: medication replaces your mind and body. You should continue meditation with your regular treatment.

Yoga: yoga poses are also good for relaxation and overall health. It can help me prove the blood flow to your thyroid gland.

Thyroid disorders are very common, especially in women. Thyroid problems can be managed with medical treatments as well as other alternative solutions. It is not a life threatening condition if diagnosed on time and managed properly. So make sure to keep checking with your thyroid.

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