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A common misconception that we often hear is that leadership skills cannot be learned. On the contrary, most experts are of the view that no one is born a leader. With the right training, hard work, commitment and effective mentor-ship, anybody can become a successful leader! Leadership coaching can help people hone their managerial and executive skills and undertake a ...

Creating a breakthrough in your life is not as hard as it seems, a right and thoughtful strategy will help you do wonders in life. Let’s look at the key points and a story explaining that it is well within our reach. Goals matter a lot People want to change their lives and be successful. However, they either don’t have ...

  Steps to Stop Workplace Bullying Picture this situation:  you are the perfect candidate for that dream position you have always wanted.  You are salivating at the prospect of finally landing it.  However, in the end, the project manager completely looks you over and hires someone else who is not as qualified for the position.  Why?  Because the project manager ...

Most of us are stressed out and we have anxiety and sleeping problems. While we are so engrossed in our problems, let us look deeply within ourselves and let’s think how closely are we connected to our planet Earth and what can we do to enliven her? Do you remember when was the last time you sat on the floor, ...

Humans are social animals. They have constant needs for love and care. Right from the time a baby is born to when a person becomes old, everyone needs someone to depend on and fall back upon. Well, this dependency or support forms the core foundation of any relationship, whether parent-child, husband-wife, boss-employee or any other. However, when this dependency becomes ...

You can be rich and famous, unsurpassed in your field or even an unknown entity. However, no matter what you are, life is not always glitter and glamour. At some point in time, you will find yourself amidst difficult situations. You may seek guidance from your family and friends, but they may not always be available to extend support. Either ...