How can you create breakthrough in your life? - KaldanDoma
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How can you create breakthrough in your life?

Creating a breakthrough in your life is not as hard as it seems, a right and thoughtful strategy will help you do wonders in life. Let’s look at the key points and a story explaining that it is well within our reach.

Goals matter a lot

People want to change their lives and be successful. However, they either don’t have any goals before them or they change their goals frequently rather than changing the strategy to pursue the goals.

Remember your goals

Most of us forget what are we supposed to do to achieve goals we have set before us. Keeping a

check and reminder list helps us in doing the same. Constant awareness of goals will aspire us in achieving them.

Design your new life

The real change comes from within. It’s important to get out of the comfort zone and create a new life around us. We need to have people in our lives who will help us in reaching our goals and help us design a better future.

Be conscious

Only thing we have before us is our present, which is shaped by our past and which in turn will shape our future, so let’s be conscious of our thoughts, actions and words. Our lives matter a lot to ourselves and the people around us.

Follow the right mentor or coach

Finding the right mentor is a challenge. Once you find one, just follow his words and you will be surprised to see how things turnaround miraculously.

Make a decision

Decisive approach towards situations will lead to a dynamic change in its status. Indecisiveness, leads to a stagnant status.

Shrikant did his schooling from a Hindi medium school in Delhi. He got into an engineering college after completing his schooling; he was surprised to find that the entire course was in English. Even a brilliant student like Shrikant struggled to find his way out of this situation and failed miserably in some of the subjects of his first semester. This is a problem which many millions of Hindi medium students face and most of them fail to come out of it!

He started feeling dejected, low and depressed and started ignoring his classmates as he was feeling inferior for being from a Hindi medium background. He even started thinking of quitting his engineering once for all !

How he achieved a breakthrough in his life?

Principles mentioned above, helped him in moving out of his comfort zone and in exceling his studies once again. Goal he set before himself was that he will master the English language within 3 months and go ahead with his engineering education. Going ahead with Kapil Sharma, who was the most credible and prominent English teacher of the city as his mentor, he started attending classes regularly, and practiced a lot the way he was taught by his teacher.

Designing of a new life did wonders for him. His best friend Ganesh would call him thrice every day and make sure that he was conscious of his goal and was working in that direction. Changes became evident within a month, his hard work and strategy paid off! Fear he had of English language was gone, and a confident young man emerged.

He did incredibly well in his second semester exams and achieved a major breakthrough in his life. This story is a learning lesson for all those, who give up and cannot cope up. Dalai Lama says, “With realization of one’s own potential and self-confidence in one’s ability, one can build a better world.”  



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