Importance of Leader in Team Building- Kaldan Doma
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Importance of Leader in Team Building

Importance of Leader in Team Building

Why a mindful team is important for a leader?

Being mindful leader and team can help in communication and working better together is the chief reason people prefer team building.

Imagination and creativity can exponentially expand as a result of workplace collaboration. Many individuals get together to interact, network and boost each other’s performance.

Alex was searching for a job after completing his graduation; while browsing various job portals on internet, he came across Neha, who was an HR manager. She interviewed him and got him a job in an event management company as it matched his profile and area of interest.

Alex met Raghav, Kathy, Tanvi, Paul and Raunak at his workplace. All of them helped Alex in learning the intricacies of his domain. Alex grew as a person, team player and made new friends.

He acquired skills which he could have never acquired working all alone. Together they would have fun, enjoy and party. Their lives were now different as they were indispensible for each other.

Keeping collaboration at the core, this team improved cooperation, time and resource management for their benefit of the company.

What should leaders know about their team?

Raunak was the group leader for he was the most experienced. He created a team built on trust and mutual respect. Being a leader he knew the strengths, weaknesses, interests and profiles of all his team members.  

Leaders must know his team members well as they must be able to come to him with their problems and feel comfortable sharing their concerns. A leader’s actions must inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more.

Managing conflicts, setting up a good example, delegation of tasks to right people, building positive working relationships and taking right decisions are possible only if the leader knows his team members well.

Raunak preferred being addressed as Raunak and not as ‘sir’, as he was not in favor of a hierarchical setup within the organization. Hierarchal system causes communication barriers, organizational disunity and unwanted bureaucracy.

Happy and Healthy staff is a great asset for any company

Most of the leading multinational giants care a lot for the happiness and health of their employees; some of them are even concerned with the well-being of an employee’s family members.

Here’s how it does wonders

  • More happiness means more productivity

Stressed and disturbed employees damage their own health which in turn destroys company’s financial health. An individual always contributes more when he is enjoying at his workplace and loves association of his colleagues.

  • Happiness is contagious

Joyful employees serve as role models for their fellow workers. Smiles, jokes and radiance multiply very fast and everyone at an organization is encouraged just by seeing each other’s glow.

  • People love working with happy people

Happy people are at the core of their organizations.  Sad and depressed persons never attract anyone. Joy is a virtue that attracts everyone and is essential element for an organization’s progress.

Why Life Coaches are so important for organizations?

Because of life coaches employees find improvements in their personal and personal lives. Coaches strengthen skillsets of employees and prepare them for meeting challenges of life.

One might wonder that life coaches help only employees at organizations but studies have shown that employee retention and engagement is increased resulting in an enhanced productivity for an organization.

As per the International Coaching Federation, 86{c3851e72db8c59172f314c71a8270c8062c295414d5e0a064080f2eb2c184194} firms who undertake a coaching program felt that ROI (Return on Investment) was valuable.

Dalai Lama gives three golden rules for success in leadership and team building

  1. Expand your vision
    Instead of being tied to a company or political mission, a leader must focus on what’s best for humanity.
  2. Devour Information
    A leader needs to know about emerging technologies, latest trends in science, new competitors, laws, and prevailing political scenario. Information collected must not gel with biases.
  1. Tap your oceans of compassion
    A positive disposition towards others create a sort of resonance which creates trust and faithfulness and turns interactions harmonious.


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