Kalden Doma, Author at Mind Life Skills - Page 19 of 24
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Empathy is the art to comprehend as well as share other individuals’ thoughts, emotions, and feelings. So it’s very vital to know the art how to build empathy. You must maintain a congenial relationship both in your personal and professional life. Individuals who don’t develop the skill of empathy are considered to be cold-hearted, self-absorbed and they also have to ...

Living is precarious, and everyone goes through the time of a crisis. But the journey of life is not completely unkind. The downfalls in life are the moments that can truly teach us our capacity. And most importantly, they pass. Often we start to feel incapacitated, and unprepared when something unanticipated and disastrous occurs. In such times, we must remember ...

Youthful and healthy looking body is something everyone dreams for. Aging effects are more visible on our skin (largest organ of body). What we eat has an immense effect on the aging process of our body. It does not matter if you are a man or a woman. These anti-ageing foods will curtail the signs of aging, risk of illness ...

Stress is a very common issue because of today’s hectic schedules and busy life. Many people suffering with stress issues do not have time for regular exercise, relaxation techniques, enough sleep and to consult a mental health professional. De-stressing tea can help you here. De-stressing teas are proven to be effective to deal with stress. De-stressing teas have some properties ...

When you’re angry, sad, frustrated or anxious, your mind goes into either flight, fight or freeze mode. At this point, you lose the ability to think rationally and lose emotional balance. But there are some of those who, despite being in the most tattered state of mind knowing exactly what to say in which situation. These people may not be ...

Focus On Being Productive Instead of Busy– Time Ferriss It’s quite obvious that there is no big shame in the workplace than being unproductive personnel. With so many works coming to your way regularly can make you overburdened and you may end up being unproductive but it’s the right time when you should collect your energy and focus on being ...

संसार में वह व्यक्ति या कहें कोई भी जीव मौजूद नहीं जो अपने मेहनत को सफल होते हुए न देखना चाहता हो, हालांकि यह कहावत प्राचीन काल से प्रसिद्ध है “मेहनत कर, फल की चिंता मत कर” । परन्तु व्यक्ति की दिमाग की उपज में सफलता देखना भी मन होता है और कई व्यक्तियों का यह भी मानना है कि ...

You are always one excuse away from your goal.  If you see yourself dropping a new excuse for not showing up, not performing well, being late or simply not succeeding life – We have a problem! We, humans, always tend to find a reason to not pursue our dreams, hit the gym, apply for a new job or stick our ...

There’s nothing better than a true and good friendship. Friends are an integral part of our lives, and we all need someone to talk to and a shoulder to cry on.  Sometimes, as the course of our life changes, we no longer connect with some people the way we once did. While some friendships faze and fade out, some last ...

तिब्बत इस पृथ्वी में मौजूद सबसे सुंदर देश मे से एक । यह स्थान पर्यटकों के लिए एक लुभावना सा अनुभव देता है । तिब्बत, जिसे दुनिया की छत भी कहा जाता है, एशिया की कुछ बड़ी नदियों का जन्मस्थल और प्राचीन झीलों का देश है। परन्तु इस पोस्ट में हम आपसे तिब्बत के इतिहास और वर्तमान के बारे में ...