As parents, guardians, and educators, we have a responsibility to equip the next generation with essential life skills, and one of the most crucial is financial literacy. Teaching children and teens about money management early on can set them up for a lifetime of financial success and independence. In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of financial literacy education and ...
प्यार एक एहसास है । एक ऐसा एहसास जिसे हर कोई महसूस करना चाहता है । कहा जाता है हर शख्स की जिंदगी प्यार पे ही चलती है । प्यार मनुष्य की जिंदगी ही नहीं बल्कि प्यार मनुष्य की जरूरत है जिसके बिना वह अपने आप को अधूरा पाता है । इस प्यार की जरूरत बच्चे के पैदा होने से ...
Worrying is a natural part of human life. Everyone worries. Even though Bobby McFerrin reminds us not to worry in the toughest of circumstances, yet we worry because life is not a Bobby McFerrin song. ‘Don’t Worry, Be Happy’ is easier sung than practiced! If we care deeply about something or someone, we tend to worry a lot about them. But if ...
Gopal was a smart and intelligent young man, who had suddenly stopped taking interest in things which he loved most- driving his sports bike, going to the gym and talking to his friends on phone for hours. Life had never been so remorseful for him ever before. His addiction to gadgets also became less. He was in a state of ...
Most of us are stressed out and we have anxiety and sleeping problems. While we are so engrossed in our problems, let us look deeply within ourselves and let’s think how closely are we connected to our planet Earth and what can we do to enliven her? Do you remember when was the last time you sat on the floor, ...
Humans are social animals. They have constant needs for love and care. Right from the time a baby is born to when a person becomes old, everyone needs someone to depend on and fall back upon. Well, this dependency or support forms the core foundation of any relationship, whether parent-child, husband-wife, boss-employee or any other. However, when this dependency becomes ...
Human beings are creatures of habit, driven by emotion just as strongly as by reason. We become used to being a certain way, and over time, our reactions to people, things, and situations around us also begin to follow a pattern. Especially when those situations involve pain, loss or betrayal, our reactions can be predicted based on the personalities we’ve ...
Introduction to being Human Being The base or foundation of my way of teaching, speaking, thinking, presenting and approaching my audience is by being, knowing and understanding that I am a human being first. So you will hear me speak a lot about that as you listen to my lectures.I believe that we were never taught to be human beings. ...
Kalden Doma
An internationally renowned thought leader in rediscovering & mind training life skills. Kalden Doma has been delivering inspirational lectures across the globe for over 17 years. A driven entrepreneur, started a mind training academy in 2001. She coaches students, entrepreneurs, & executives.