Habits to Build a Life of Self-directed Well-being Archives - Mind Life Skills
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It’s always hard to change our bad habits, mostly when these habits are concerned to exercise, eating and jobs.  Even when we know that these habits are harmful for us, we feel unable to stop ourselves. For example 60-70{c3851e72db8c59172f314c71a8270c8062c295414d5e0a064080f2eb2c184194} smokers, drug and alcohol abusers want to stop, they attempt to give up their addictions. They know these addictions are harming ...

We say it out of an experience that finishing a task at hand isn’t all that tough, only sitting down to get things done is where the problem arises. What stops you from starting afresh? Well, this is your good old friend self-resistance that keeps coming back to haunt your being.  Think about it – Do you see yourself repeating ...