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अवसाद यानी डिप्रेशन जो कि एक मानसिक रोग से सबंध रखता है । इससे काफी वर्ग ग्रस्त हैं चाहे वह एक स्कूल जाता हुआ विद्यार्थी हो या एक अधेड़ उम्र का व्यक्ति हो । सबके अपने अलग अलग भय होते हैं जिसका सही समय पर निवारण न किया जाए तो वह भय मन पर हावी होने लगता है जिसमें व्यक्ति ...

How to overcome depression Depression has become a commonly known household term these days. Despite this, there is a lot of stigmas attached to it, because it is generally believed that it is just a phase that will pass. Unfortunately, it doesn’t. Depression drains our energy, our passion, and sometimes even our will to live. Even simple activities like getting ...

Gopal was a smart and intelligent young man, who had suddenly stopped taking interest in things which he loved most- driving his sports bike, going to the gym and talking to his friends on phone for hours. Life had never been so remorseful for him ever before. His addiction to gadgets also became less. He was in a state of ...