I hope and pray for all of you to be in good health and please flow the instruction of the government. Staying in is going to save your life and others too. Time to be selfless and show empathy.
We all are focusing on Covid19 and most of us going into a negative state of mind. So, I decided to jump into it and see what is positive about it.
Even though during these distressing times, we are all dealing with rising levels of anxiety and isolation. The entire world has come to a sudden halt and we may sometimes feel like it has stripped us of everything that we are comfortable with. Although this is scary and perhaps even a big shock to our systems, it can also be a time for us to reflect and rediscover ourselves and the world.
We have been caught up in running the rat race that we have forgotten how to be with ourselves and our families. In these times of hardship, it is more important than ever that we rethink the way our current systems work, re-evaluate our priorities and make the changes that we need to create a more harmonious way to live on and with this beautiful planet.
Realigning with Nature.

With humans being in isolation over the last few weeks, we can see marked changes in the natural world around us. Pollution levels have dropped, carbon emissions from trade and travel have reduced, and it renews the water bodies with new aquatic and plants life.
Millions of people who previously traveled for work are now working from home, which has drastically contributed to bringing down levels of pollution. Systems that we thought we could not change have been brought to a halt, and we have found new ways of coping. For example-
No one would imagine that people around the world would work from home and lessen the traffic and pollution. Is it possible? Yes, it is. It is a fact now.
Although these changes come at a hard price to us today, we must remember to put pressure on large companies and organizations to sustain these changes, for Covid19 has given us a chance to create a better tomorrow. If we don’t listen and change it will come back with a more strong impact. We have a choice as a human being and each of us better shape up.
Reconnecting with our Children

Our children are watching us, they observe how we are responding and are likely to mimic what they see. When we respond with love, empathy, and compassion to each other and to nature, we are also teaching them how to do the same. If you can use this time with your children to learn the names and uses of the plants in your garden, try to spot different birds from your window or just observe the daily cycle of life around you. Observe, absorb and remain open to learning new things about the world just like your children. Now you can spend quality time with your children, and especially the fathers have been given a chance to know their children so take this time and enjoy it. Covid 19 is teaching us to spend time with our children and give them guidance and help that they need to live this life.
Rekindling Relationships

Time is a precious gift that we have taken for granted in our race to produce and achieve. Now when we have been forced to stop this “clock” we have been running against. Let us take this pause with open arms. Let us use the time that we have to strengthen our relationships with our loved ones and even with ourselves. Enjoy the time that you have with your families and use this time to take care of yourself. Invest time and energy into relationships that we have taken for granted in the past. Let us learn to value each other again so that we can come back to a more healed, caring and integrated society. Covid 19 is teaching us to live here and now as death can come any time
Rest and Breath

Let us use this time to reconnect with our bodies. We can rediscover our own functioning by just listening to our breath. Now we can truly experience the power of what sustains us, and it is our breath. By focusing on the simple act of breathing, you can improve your immunity, clam your mind and reconnect with your body. Let us reconnect to this physical form and let us heal ourselves by the daily practice of deep breathing. Covid 19 is teaching us to focus more on our breath by having clean air for ourselves and others.
Rethinking Empathy

When every one of us has been affected by something outside our control, the only thing we can practice is empathy for each other. Through this difficult time, we can see that empathy is the key. If we are carless and reckless with each other, we are not just putting others in harm’s way but we are putting ourselves and those we love in danger too! For us and our loved ones to remain safe, it is our duty and responsibility to safeguard the lives and loved ones of others. The most basic way we can safeguard ourselves and others is by staying home. Staying home can prevent the spread of the virus drastically and prevent more vulnerable populations from getting it. It is teaching us to take care of others.
Reorganize the Economy

For too long we have been exploiting our natural resources for the benefit of a few. We have destroyed ecosystems ad burnt forests just to feed greed. This has to stop now! In these hard times when we can see the stark inequality and unfairness in access to basic needs for life. It is time to stand up as individuals and societies and demand better systems so that the world tomorrow is more equal and fair.
With so much instability and fear in the state of our economy, we must remember that when we rebuild these systems we must let compassion and cooperation guide us instead of greed and fear. We also see how we all are interdependent on each other. Covid19 is teaching us to see beyond race, class, and religion.
So far we have been able to select the things we want or care about depending on how much of an effect it had on us. Now we no longer have a choice to make. This has affected us all, and we must care! We must care for those who are weak and vulnerable, we must care for those who do not have the resources to care for themselves. We must step up and come together as neighbors, societies, and countries and do the right thing that is been asked from each one of us. That to take responsibility.
We need to rethink and change the ways we have be living to create a more sustainable world for all of us. The only way that we can do this is if each of us thinks and cares before we act in our day-to-day lives. Once this time has passed, it may be easy to slip back into old habits and conveniences, but let us resist going back to broken systems.
Instead, let us spend time and energy in creating a better Earth for everyone.
I hope you can start to see covid19 from a new and different perspective.
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