Introduction to being Human Being - Mind Life Skills
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Introduction to being Human Being


Introduction to being Human Being

The base or foundation of my way of teaching, speaking, thinking, presenting and approaching my audience is by being, knowing and understanding that I am a human being first. So you will hear me speak a lot about that as you listen to my lectures.I believe that we were never taught to be human beings. We were just told that we are human beings, but never took the time to really analyse what it means to be a human being. This is the reason we as a human race are really unhappy, both individually and collectively. We look at others as if they are very different from us. With a closer examination, we can start to realise we all are same. We may look different physically, believe in different religions, have different interests, have different cultures and traditions but we in the end of the day we are all human beings. I believe that if we had the skills and tools to deal with ourselves and our lives when presented with different situations we could become a better race of creatures on this earth. I believe that if we were taught basic human values just as other subjects in our daycare and schools, we would be more in harmony with what we create inside and outside. After all these years of work experience in dealing with human beings, I have created modules with skills and tools that can help humans in different walks of their life to embrace these transformational ways of living, thinking and perceiving life as human being.