10 Gifts you can give to Yourself - Mind Life Skills
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10 Gifts you can give to Yourself

10 Gifts you can give to Yourself

We all give a gift to our friends and family members on their birthdays, marriages, anniversaries or other special occasions but we never give gifts to ourselves. I think it’s a great idea to gift something to yourself. There are several gifts you can give to yourself.

If you want to give some gift to yourself, first, you need to pay attention to yourself to know what you can gift to yourself. Here I am not talking about those expensive clothes, accessories, mobiles or other items because these things you may get on your birthdays or other occasions.

I am talking about the gifts which only you can give to yourself. You should give some impactful gifts to yourself which can make a big difference in your future life. You can give yourself priceless gifts that add value and depth to your overall life.

Here are the 10 gifts you can give to yourself to make your future brighter, healthier and happier:

Time for yourself: 

Whatever is your age you should gift your valuable time to yourself. Most of the people are busy in studies, making a career, professional life, personal life, daily chores, etc, so they cannot give time to themselves. But we deserve our precious time for ourselves. Spend some time with yourself, it helps you feel your connection with yourself, and realize what you have and what you need. When you spend some time with yourself you learn more about yourself and you will be more relaxed, productive and happy.                         

Forgive yourself:

We all make mistakes but it is always tough to forgive yourself for your mistakes. Don’t stick to your mistakes. If you really feel bad for what you have done wrong to someone, acknowledge your mistakes, learn lessons from those mistakes and move on. Don’t hold yourself accountable for those things which you have made wrong in the past and make sure you don’t repeat your mistakes. It releases stress and makes you feel guilt-free and happy.

A healthy body:

Your body will be with you for a lifetime so it is very important to take care of your body. Eat healthily and opt for a healthy lifestyle to nurture a healthy and efficient body. Take sufficient sleep to relax your body. When you pay attention to your body, you are more likely to take care of your body that makes you live and enjoy your life to the fullest.


Divorce is a better step if you are in a bad relationship. Being in a relationship where you are not getting love, affection, respect, and support from your life partner, it makes your life worse. This is not the right way to live your life. If you are not getting respect in a relationship and you are not happy with it, it’s better to leave that relationship to live your life happily.

Positive attitude: 

We often hear people say that a person in my co-worker or neighbor is very positive and I love to have them around. Well, it is true usually people with a positive attitude change the energy wherever they go. If you want your life to turn around immediately, then change your attitude about things you hate, fear and dislike. Add a taste of positivity in every action and thought you do.


Laughter is one of the best inexpensive gifts you can give to yourself and it improves your overall health and life. Spend some time and chill out with your loved ones. It reduces stress hormones in your body, improves cardiac health, promotes T-Cells (immune system cells), encourages the production of endorphins (natural painkillers of the body) and produces a feeling of wellbeing. Before going to bed watch stand up comedy, it will help you sleep better.

Peace of mind:

Stress, frustration, fear makes your life unpleasant. These factors impede your capability to focus and meet your goals. To get rid of these things, you need peace of mind. It is the state of mind that brings mental and spiritual peace. Peace of mind is an inner peace that offers many benefits. It helps you concentrate better and make more efficient to handle daily stress. Inner peace helps you develop tolerance, patience, inner strength, bliss, and happiness.

A digital detox:

We spend most of our time on our phones, computers, and laptops. We are very much involved in social media, not our real-life relationships and life. If you want to give yourself an admirable gift, just take a digital detox. Take a small break from your phones and social media life and spend some time with your real-life friends and family.

Love yourself:    

Loving yourself is crucial. If you don’t love yourself how will you love others? So it is very essential to love yourself first. When you love yourself you believe in yourself and feel more motivated and charged. Self-love encourages self-acceptance, self-esteem and makes you feel more positive towards yourself. Self-love is the key to happiness and a good life. 

A chance to follow your dreams:

If you have some dreams which you hadn’t followed or fulfilled because of some reason or other issues. Give a chance to yourself to follow your dreams and fulfill them. I am not saying that if you will give a chance, you will surely fulfill those dreams but if you give a chance, at least you will not regret in future that you should give a chance.

These gifts can help you build a better connection with yourself. If you have a wonderful relationship with yourself that means you have the same relationships with others.

The above gifts are a proven method which Kaldan uses herself and now shares it with you. For more similar blogs follow www.mindlifeskills.com and to know more about Kaldan check her website www.kaldandoma.com